What exactly is Step Work? And why is it important?
As best I can determine, Step Work is comprised of three main components:
- Reading and studying each of the 12 Steps.
- Actually doing the things mentioned in the Action Steps located at the end of each reading.
- Studying and answering the Study and Understanding questions found at the end of each step.
So let me address them one at a time.
I already read one step each week in my ARP meetings but Step Work should be more than that. Each of us is on a different step. I need to study and make sure I understand and agree with that step I'm currently on before I move on to the next one. To do that I should spend time on my step during the week -- both reading from that step and looking up the references. I should also pray about my step to receive a better understanding as to how I can apply it in my recovery.
I've heard it said, "If you don't know what step you are on -- You are on Step 1!"
2. Do the Action Steps
I also read the Action Steps each week im my ARP meetings, but they are called "Action Steps" for a reason. If I don't do the action I am missing out on the "homework" for that step. I need to actually do the action if I wish to receive the blessings found in that step. And that action has to be done outside of the weekly meeting.
Here is one of my favorite scriptures on that subject: "There is a law, irrevocably decreed in heaven before the foundations of this world, upon which all blessings are predicated—And when we obtain any blessing from God, it is by obedience to that law upon which it is predicated." D&C 130:20-21
3. Answer the Study and Understanding Questions
The Study and Understanding questions are found at the end of each step for a reason. They are not just filler. I am actually expected to study out each question and try to answer it as best I can. Once again, if I skip this part, I am cheating myself. I am not learning what I need to learn. I am trying to take a shortcut in my recovery.
So What Is The Best Approach for Me?
So what should be the best approach for me to do my Step Work, There seems to be only one good answer, and that would be to do at least some Step Work each day. That could be just one of the items listed above or parts of any of the three. But for me to recover, I really need to do some Step Work each day! And that would be in addition to my daily reading from the Book of Mormon and my prayers.
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