Are We Modern-day Zoramites?

Let's read a little from Alma chapter 31 as Alma talks about the Zoramites:

They did gather themselves together on one day of the week, which day they did call the day of the Lord; and they did worship.

Now the place was called by them Rameumptom.

For behold, every man did go forth and offer up these same prayers.

Now, after the people had all offered up thanks after this manner, they returned to their homes, never speaking of their God again until they had assembled themselves together again to the holy stand, to offer up thanks after their manner.

Now in 1 Nephi chapter 19 Nephi states: 

"I did liken all scriptures unto us, that it might be for our profit and learning."  

And he suggests that we do that for ourselves.

So what if we take the account of the Zoramites, and modernize the wording slightly.  

How might it read?

Those with an addiction did gather themselves together on one day of the week, which day they did call the day of the 12 Step Meeting.

Now the place was called by them the place of the 12 Step Meeting. 

For behold, every man did share a similar share about how he really wanted to recover and how he intended to follow the steps of recovery.

Now, after the men had all offered up their shares after this manner, they returned to their homes, never opening their ARP Guide nor doing any step work until they had assembled themselves together again the next week, to offer up their shares in a similar manner.

Are any of us guilty of this?

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